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Happy Friday!!! I hope you all had a wonderful week! I am off this weekend and looking forward to enjoying some time outdoors! Next week I am making a quick trip down to south Alabama so I will be working on getting some much needed yard chores knocked out this weekend.
While I love my little quick getaways, I do miss my fur babies while I am gone. All of my babies are rescues which is a big reason I have fallen in love with Lacquer Junkie. They have tons of great cat-inspired lacquers that they take a portion of the sales from and donate to a local animal shelter. Today I have two of the newest shades added to the Riggi Rescue Collection.
First up we have Eski-Meow Kisses. This is a blush beige nude blend inspired from those cute pink noses and then filled with gold and bronze glitters, iridescent hexes, gold flakes, matte bubble gum

Next up we have Black Cat Magic! This is a rich black jelly base filled with metallic blue, pink, teal, magenta, and silver glitters (some being a holo variant). This lacquer certainly has the perfect witch black cat vibe that I am just loving. I see using this blend in a Halloween mani for sure. In my photos I am wearing two coats of Black Cat Magic by Lacquer Junkie and one coat of clear.

So what do you guys think of the two new rescue shades from Lacquer Junkie? I am loving them both, almost as much as I love the idea of helping those fur babies in need! Please take a moment to check out all the amazing lacquers Lacquer Junkie has to offer, like more great blends in the Riggi Rescue Collection. Thank you so much for stopping by today and I will see you all again soon!

Products provided for review but that does not influence my opinions.
I adore them both!
Me too!!! And they help out kitties!!! Double win!
Black Cat Magic is a stunner!
I totally agree!!! All the sparkle in person is just stunning!
Ooh, I really love Black Cat Magic! I’m a sucker for black jellies!
Me too!!!
I love the first one. Such a pretty peachy-pink.
It is a great palette cleanser while still being fun too!
I like black cat magic. I don’t wear black nail polish but for some reason, this shade resonated to me
The glitters really make it special and so much more than just a black lacquer.
That last one is really pretty, and the first one is such a nice neutral!
I loved them both too!