Good afternoon everyone! How about his weather?! It has been simply beautiful all week and today’s polish is to celebrate the lovely blue skies! Homeboy is a wonderfully bright blue holo from Different Dimensions. I have had this blend in my stash since December of last year and the formula is still amazing! This one for some reason reminds me of those old favorite blue jeans that we hold so dear and that just adds to my love for this polish. My photos are show with three coats of Homeboy and one coat of HK Girl Fast Dry Topcoat.
So do you guys love Different Dimensions as mush as I do? Be sure to check out more of their great blends on Etsy and be sure to follow Missi on Facebook for up to date stock info and new releases. Thank you so much for stopping by today on this beautiful Saturday! Get out there and enjoy the sun! I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will see you guys tomorrow! <3
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